This book is designed as your all-in-one introduction to the world of building data-driven Web sistes using ASP.NET. It's intended to be read from beginning to end, rather than by dipping in at random points, as you may do with other, more reference-type books.
You may have com across databases already in other book, but this one assumes you really have been sitting at the bttom of a well for the past five years and know nothing at all about databases. It does,however, assume that while you were in your well, you had a boook teaching you some ASP.NET and a computer on which to write your first ASP.NET pages. However, many of ther examples are short enough that they can be typed in, because it will help you to learn and remember the material. Whole book is divided in 13 chapters.
I don't want to write some boring text about every chapter, you can read all that if you download this book. And if you do that, you will not regret it. Link for download is forward.
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